Welcome! The Quality Matters Instructional Designers Association (QM IDA) listserv is a forum for members of the QM IDA to communicate directly, seek and provide mentorship, share resources, and continue their professional growth.
To join the listserv, you must be a current member of the QM IDA and complete this signup form.
Not sure if you're a member? Visit MyQM. After logging in, select My Tools in the secondary navigation menu. Then select IDA Search. Use your name or email address as the search criterion. The search should produce your information if your membership is current.
For more information on joining the QM IDA and for answers to frequently asked questions about the listserv, please visit QM ID Association.
The information collected on this form will be used by a QM IDA volunteer to verify your membership in the QM IDA and to enroll you in listserv. It will not be used for other purposes or shared with third parties. It will take approximately three business days for your information to be included in the listserv system. You will receive a notification from the Google Group when you’ve been added.