Our team reviews each submission carefully. We look for a complete picture of who you are as an artist. The more detail you provide about yourself, the better chance at getting accepted.
Our Core plan is for one (1) single, legitimate artist profile. If you are a label or manager of multiple artists, please check out our Pro plan or apply to become an Unchained Partner.
Links should be a full valid URL and link to your artist profile where we can hear your music.** Do not link a personal listener profile.
If you have a verified Spotify for Artists, Apple Music for Artists profile and/or a Youtube Owned and Operated Channel, provide a screenshot of your artist dashboard with your artist name, catalog and streaming performance clearly visible. This is required if you are an artist with a significant following.
A.I. generated content with human influence is permitted on our Grow and Pro plans.
Please note that due to a high volume of applications, we are unable to provide feedback to every application. Our team will be in touch if your application is successful.
For more information about what we look for, please check out this article and take the quiz.
**New Artists: We highly recommend that you create a YouTube Owned & Operated Channel or Soundcloud profile and make at least one post with your music. We do not accept applications with links to blank artist profiles where we cannot hear your music.
By submitting an application, you agree to our Terms of Service, Distribution Agreement and Anti-Fraud Policy.