Does your business reside in the United States?*
Is ship to address the same as the bill to address?*
Would you like to receive invoices via e-mail?*
Do you have an online store?*
Do you sell any of your product on 3rd party marketplaces (Amazon, Target Plus, Walmart, etc.)*
Do you sell any of your product to off price retailers, liquidators or jobbers?*
Do you have additional store locations?
Would you prefer payment terms or to prepay?*
Which brands are you interested in? Click all that apply:*
Which sales representative do you work with?*
Do you have any special shipping instructions? Please note: We ship all merchandise on hangers, in polybags, with a branded hangtag, UPC and MSRP in USD.*
By checking this box, you agree to the terms set forth below:
Customer hereby agrees and acknowledges that it shall not resell, distribute, or transfer any products purchased from [Swim USA/Vitamin A] to:
• Off-price accounts of any kind, including but not limited to liquidators, jobbers, diverters, closeout dealers, discount stores, warehouse clubs;
• Any third-party marketplaces.
Failure to comply with this clause shall be considered a material breach, and in addition to any remedies available to [Swim USA/Vitamin A] under law or in equity, Customer may be prohibited from future purchases of goods from [Swim USA/Vitamin A].*
Questions, concerns or additional information? Please enter below: