New Customer Form

Thanks for your interest! Please complete and submit the form below. Any questions? Email


Uniform sales & Use tax certificate- Click, download and submit.

Must be completed for all customers outside of New York and PA, with multiple state locations.

New York Resale Certificate-For all customers with stores located in New York State.

Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate-For all customers with stores located in PA.

Does your business reside in the United States?*

Preferred currency*

Type of business*

Is ship to address the same as the bill to address?*

Would you like to receive invoices via e-mail?*

Do you have an online store?*

Do you sell any of your product on 3rd party marketplaces (Amazon, Target Plus, Walmart, etc.)*

Do you sell any of your product to off price retailers, liquidators or jobbers?*

Do you have additional store locations?

Would you prefer payment terms or to prepay?*

Which brands are you interested in? Click all that apply:*

Which sales representative do you work with?*

Do you have any special shipping instructions? Please note: We ship all merchandise on hangers, in polybags, with a branded hangtag, UPC and MSRP in USD.*